Thursday, September 28, 2017

An Overview on Effectiveness of 'outcome-based' Education

‘Outcome-based' education is commonly recognized to be a values-based style of education as opposed to a focus on knowledge and basic skills proficiency. Nevertheless, OBE attempts to create, plan, organize and design an educational curricula around “what is essential for all students to be able to do successfully” later in their life experiences. The similarity of definitions provided suggests that there is a common understanding of how to define OBE. However, the same amount of clarity is needed in order to be effectively implemented.

Top LLB College in Delhi NCR

OBE is intended to cover the aims of the system and what happens in classrooms. The viewpoint of this type of education is strictly future oriented. It focuses how the students should turn out at the end of the education. Identifying these outcomes makes it possible to go on for the further specifications. 

Links to Mastery Learning:

OBE lays emphasis on the successful learning of all the students to pave a way towards the achievement of effective outcomes. Such outcomes will set students up for productive lives presents an optimistic outlook for an education system. Top LLB College in Delhi NCR who accept the OBE philosophy begin by involving teachers, parents, citizens, and students in establishing the outcomes students are to demonstrate.

These outcomes may be conventional and sometimes may include number of other outcomes, such as ability to communicate in a variety of forms, or the ability to perform life roles. When outcomes have been recognized, educators should now design the curriculum to provide students about the knowledge and skills required to demonstrate the outcomes.

Number of situations exists where the outcomes will be such that they can be assessed only with performance assessment, not conventional tests, so the school's assessment processes will need to be different. Finally, Top LLB College in Delhi NCR needs to examine and rectify every other aspect to determine the needed amendments.

Institutions now consider the outcomes-based approach of teaching and learning as an effective way to assure high quality education especially in every sector by motivating the students. It also put efforts on a target-oriented approach of curriculum design in order to provide a management based system to assess the quality of the curriculum and the teaching. 

Friday, September 1, 2017

What are the frequently Asked Law Questions?

There are no specific courses in college that will prepare you for the questions on the LSAT; however, courses which develop analytical reasoning, logical reasoning and reading comprehension skills may help students approach the test with confidence. Many students find that a basic logic course is helpful. The key to preparation is to become familiar with the types of questions asked and to become proficient in answering the questions quickly. You can most effectively prepare by working with actual exams. 

Best Law College Haryana

The LSAT is offered four times each academic year in June, October, December and February. There are some decided advantages to taking the LSAT during the summer prior to the senior year. First, you will receive your scores early in the application process and can therefore begin the search for appropriate schools. With most schools using "rolling" admissions an early start is highly beneficial. Second, you will have time to repeat the LSAT in the fall of your senior year if necessary. 

Best Law College Haryana considers whether the student took honour courses and seminars, held a part-time job, had a history of doing poorly on standardized tests, or carried heavy or light academic loads. Many law schools are interested in students with leadership abilities. Rather than merely participating in several groups or activities, become actively involved in one or two. Do not burden yourself with so many extracurricular activities that your academics suffer. Law schools look for students who can successfully balance the two areas, giving their education priority. 

Definitely, most law schools require faculty recommendations as part of the applicant's file. The more perceptive, and therefore helpful, recommendation letters come from evaluators who know the student well. You cannot go through college anonymously. Find small classes where research papers or essay examinations are expected. Take classes in which discussion is encouraged. Study with a professor in more than one course. 

You should consult each individual school's admission requirements. However, a good rule would be to begin the process about one year before you plan to enter law school. 

Being a good lawyer requires the kind of dedication and emotional commitment for which money is inadequate compensation. Learn what being a lawyer means by talking to attorneys and law students from Best Law College Haryana. If possible, visit a law school to see what the study of law is like. Ultimately, you will have to decide if law school and the legal profession are for you. You should make a point of learning all you can about the legal profession.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

How to Assist for Moot Courts?

The Moot Court experience is demanding. Students must not underestimate the amount of work involved in Moot Court. Law Colleges in India provides several moot court sessions to excel in career.
Law Colleges in India

All students are expected to devote sufficient time and effort to writing the brief and preparing oral arguments so that both will be of high quality. The skills developed during Moot Court are critical and will be invaluable throughout the students’ law school and legal careers.

A moot court competition begins with either one or two students receiving a copy of a record around which the moot court competition will revolve. The record consists of a fictitious fact pattern, much like the factual record one would receive from a real trial court. The record contains documents relating to a legal action brought by one party against another party, and the students will be told which side they represent.

In addition to factual material about the substance of the suit, the record will usually contain a motion for summary judgment or motion to dismiss filed by the defending party, as well as a motion to deny the first motion filed by the party who brought the original action. The moots are designed not only to aid counsel in further refining their arguments, but also to familiarize counsel with the general proceedings of the Court.

The process of becoming an excellent advocate is a career-long journey that begins in law school’s first-year legal-writing course. Legal-writing courses, which culminate in writing a moot court brief and conducting a moot court oral argument, teach students to think like lawyers, a skill fundamental to practicing law and a necessary attribute to the good administration of justice.

Moot court enhances the three most important skills that Law Colleges in India offers their students: starting an argument with a conclusion, differentiating fact from opinion, and organizing a legal argument by issue rather than by a chronological narrative of the facts.

Moot court also teaches students professionalism and ethics, to apply law to fact, to structure and rank a legal argument by strength, and not to assert losing propositions. By giving law students opportunities to improve their legal writing, legal research, and oral advocacy in a competitive environment that prepares students for a competitive world, the moot court experience is unlike any other in law school.

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Is the Life of a Law Student Lively and Active?

Life of a law student is always very demanding and needs vibrant student body to participate actively in the cultural programs. With countless campus events and programmes, there is never a dull moment in law schools. Round the clock, these institutes have one or the other thing going on to facilitate the confidence of the students. Its events calendar is always full of activities, ranging from celebrations, intra college festivities, social Gathering and literacy camps.

Co-curricular life at Top Law College in Delhi NCR includes a broad range of activities and programs to meet the needs of different kinds of students. The vibrant campus life of reputed law schools is always detailed in the pages of the renowned newspapers. The student organizations conduct lectures on a range of legal, social, cultural and professional topics.

The diversity of student organizations as well as the wide variety of events allow for students to learn, form new and meaningful relationships, and explore new areas of law.  The types of events hosted by student organizations include: Panel discussions with leading experts, Career Mentoring, and Professional Development events, Alumni, recreation and wellness events. All these extra-curricular activities help to build leadership skills and connect with the vast network of students and Alumni. 

 Aims and Objectives of cultural programs:

  • Helps to identify the hidden talents in the students.
  • To inculcate healthy competition among team mates. 
  • To develop spirit of fraternity and to broaden up the horizon of an individual.

Extra-curricular activities:

The main purpose is to enhance the quality of student life. The aim is achieved by providing training, advising, resources, and support. Student organizations are truly the heart of extracurricular activities at Top Law College in Delhi NCR.

Throughout the academic year, the Law institute is full of activities like hosting panels and guest speakers about law and policy issues, providing community service opportunities and outreach, engaging alumni and practitioners in professional development opportunities for students, and by creating opportunities for social interaction and cultural appreciation.

Annual Gatherings:

Annual Gatherings is the most prominent activity towards the end of the every academic year. Illustrious personalities from different fields of life are invited to prepare the students on various topics. Students get ample opportunity to perform and entertain their fellow students and staff. Students are awarded prizes and certificates of merit for their excellence in curricular, co-curricular and extracurricular activities including sports. These annual gatherings serve many purposes in one go.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Integrated Law Courses

The vision of Best Law College in Delhi NCR is to fulfil this need by equipping their students and faculty with the knowledge, skills, scholarship and vision to meet these challenges and demands of globalization. India, which is on the verge of becoming an economic superpower, must produce world-class professionals, scholars, and academics to compete globally. 

Best Law College in Delhi NCR

Law offers a five-year, integrated degree course- B.A.LL.B. and BBA.LLB that combines the knowledge of the social sciences, economics, language and mass communication. They together provide a broad-based multidisciplinary foundation to the curriculum. Moreover, these courses help the students to save their one year and imparting knowledge on two wide disciplines.

This degree equips you to become a lawyer who is well-prepared to meet the demands you will face in your profession. Graduates enter the legal field as fully integrated lawyers with a complete knowledge of the law, skills to put their knowledge to us. Students get full attention from the faculty in the context of academic advising, as well as in other mentoring relationships. As experienced lawyers, faculty members impart an understanding of how to successfully engage in law practice. Mentors provide students with academic advising, and career planning. Mentors meet frequently with students individually and in groups.

Enrolling in Best Law College in Delhi NCR teaches you to open your mind and think differently. Integrated courses of law serve two purposes by imparting knowledge about two subjects which is valuable in any career. Lawyer mentors are also available to meet frequently and work with students, providing practical skills orientation, career coaching, and spiritual, professional, and ethical formation.

The courses offered in law schools not only teach students about the law, but they also train students how to practice law in that particular area. Integrated law programs provide training to students in the life skills necessary to engage successfully in the business of law practice.

The variety of skills provided by integrated law courses puts the graduates at the front position of employer's minds. 5-year integrated courses are offered at the undergraduate level. Students aspiring to build a career in law can opt for this course, after passing 10+2 examination. Undergraduates in the field of law are given ample knowledge about the court. BA LLB degree course provides innumerable career opportunities. After doing the course, one can enter the field of law, and work as lawyer in the courts at different levels. 

Monday, February 27, 2017

Benefits of Integrated Course

If you want to become a law graduate, there are essentially two routes that are available for you. One is to take up the 5-year Integrated BALLB (Hons) in Delhi NCR or to take up 3 years LLB after completing graduation in any stream. Here we are comparing the two options so that the takers can make an informed decision. Usually the students have to face two dilemmas; the first one is when one has to choose an option after 12th.  The second dilemma comes after completion of the Graduate course. So a big advantage of getting into an integrated course is that one is free from the worry of choosing a college and course again after 3 years. This is not the case with those who are doing a normal graduation course.

5-year Integrated BA LLB (Hons) in Delhi NCR is offered at the undergraduate level. Students aspiring to build a career in law can opt for this course, after passing 10+2 examination. Undergraduates in the field of law are given ample knowledge about the court. BA LLB degree course provides innumerable career opportunities. After doing the course, one can enter the field of law, and work as lawyer in the courts at different levels. 

The BA LLB course has various subjects, which enable the students to look into the past issues and the goals of legal education. The BA LLB programme is a combination of Arts and Law, and it helps you to move towards law with a humanities point of view. The BA-LLB starts fostering students to understand the social and political aspects of a particular Law. 

Career prospects

There is always a need for professionals who have clear understanding of the area in which they are supposed to be experts. Dedicated professionals are the need of the hour because of changing business needs and competitive era. The career opportunities for these courses are almost the same. If one wishes to practice law, then a BA LLB programme turns out to be a good choice.

Program Structure

BA LLB (Hons) is a five year integrated program spread over 10 semesters. The Program consists of 56 courses in law and arts, 6 law electives and 8 law Honors electives. There are 5 legal internships, one at the end of each year.