Monday, June 20, 2016

Importance of Language skills

How important are language skills?

Language is the most important working tool used by the lawyer. Whether it is effectively negotiating a contract, examining a witness in court, preparing an appellate brief, or just grasping the exact meanings of legal provisions, the lawyer must understand the precise meanings of words. To facilitate the development of language skills, Top Law College in Delhi NCR help students to pursue courses that will give them adequate practice in:

Top Law College in Delhi NCR

: vocabulary, usage, grammar, organized presentation, structure of language, and clarity of statement in both writing and speaking.

Comprehension: concentration and effective recollection in reading and listening skills

Both expression and comprehension require sensitivity to the fluidity of language-the various meanings of words in different times and contexts, shades of meanings, interpretive problems, and the hazards in use of ambiguous terms. Also, skilled expression, especially for the lawyer, requires knowledge of the deceptiveness of language-emotionally charged words, catch phrases, hidden meanings, and empty generalizations.

Do law schools care about law related activities, internships, and employment?

Top Law College in Delhi NCR indulges students in law-related activities which can be of great value in two ways. It proves to the law schools that your desire to study law is well-considered, and it also serves as an excellent way for you to discover the area and extent of your own interest in law. There are a few ways to achieve this end.

Join the Prelaw Society. It is an easy way of being involved in a law-related activity on campus.

Another way of demonstrating your interest in the law is via legal internships and/or employment. Some students do law-related internships abroad as well. If you are interested in pursuing an internship, make an appointment with the Internship Coordinator in Career Services.

Why do lawyers need creative power in thinking?

Perhaps the lawyer's most valuable asset is the power to think clearly, carefully, and independently. The role of the lawyer involves constant problem-solving and sound judgment. Creative power in thinking has as its prerequisite the acquisition of skills in research, use of facts, inductive, deductive, and analytic reasoning, critical analysis, and the systematic formulation of principles and concepts.

Classes that stress critical thinking can include: English, history, philosophy, geography, and government; all classes in the natural sciences, lab courses in psychology, classes involving research methods in the social sciences; and all courses in computer science and mathematics. You should take challenging courses in all disciplines to strengthen your skills. Courses in philosophy that stress logic and analytic reasoning skills can also be beneficial to the development of critical thinking skills and can help to prepare for the Law School Admission Test (LSAT).

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